I am currently treating one of my personal ferrets, Diana, using the
protocal outlined in Hillyer and Quesenberry's book, "Ferrets, rabbits
and rodents".  Diana is now 15 months post diagnosis (lymph node biopsy)
and currently has had her 4th every 4 week treatment.  We are happy to
say that she only has 14 more treatments to go(over the next 2 years)!
I have understood that less than 10% of ferrets with lymphoma respond to
chemotherapy, but I am very grateful that Diana is one of them.  She is
such a joy and I would have hated to lose her so soon.
Diana's diet is free feed kibble and boiled chicken breast.  She enjoys
the fat that I pour back on her chicken and especially the skin - she
"kills" it when she eats.  Her cagemates also enjoy cooked whole chicken.
Her appetite is great, energy levels high.  Her blood work is looking
better each treatment - white and red cell counts are both in normal
limits.  Most of all, you can see that she has her attitude back - Diana
is my alpha jill and at first when she was sick, she wasn't able to keep
up with the groups - but now she is as sassy and full of vigor as she
ever was!  I will admit that the first 6 treatments were rocky and I
questioned whether or not I was doing the right thing when I noticed her
energy levels down, some anorexia and lethargy.  But that was a temporary
setback thankfully and I am glad that I gave her more time.  It is
expensive - these 40 treatments have averaged a cost of $90 each time - a
cbc is run before the drugs are administered, some treatments required
all day care at the vets (2 doxorubicin treatments - week 3 and 6), and
the cost of the drugs themselves.  Is it worth it?  Yes.  Every day that
I see her bouncing and dooking with her brother is worth the small cost -
and so far has gained her 15 months of quality of life.
Lisa Leidig, Head Ferret
The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea"
[Posted in FML issue 4070]