years ago I belonged to PETA.  They are very radical and do what they
do..  they believe the means justify the end...basically whatever the
means may be for that end ( short of violence and bodily injury).
They had SOME reason for showing that video.  Perhaps it was confiscated
from someone somewhere and they use it for some purpose that is really
not anti ferret.  They also showed a video of fight dogs killing each
other.  It was horrible to say the least.  but they showed it to call
attention to what HUMANS MADE THE DOGS DO to each other... it was not
anti dog.
Ask them where they got the video and the REASON they are showing it.
Ask them what they are trying to PROVE by showing it.Ask them what the
circumstances were that DOMESTICATED ferrets would attack rabbits,mice
The reason I no longer belong to PETA and the reason a lot of people quit
is that they often use graphic images to prove their point.We all know
horrible abuses occur everywhere, every day, but to belong to an
organization that often uses those images is very difficult.For them it
is concrete proof that these horrible abuse incidents occur and it shocks
people into action .
I personally believe PETA's resources would be better spent in legal
actions the fight against the St. Louis airport murder.
[Posted in FML issue 4070]