I feel for you and your ferrets.  Adrenal surgery is expensive!
Are there any shelters in your area that can give you the name of their
vet that may do the surgery cheaper?  Sometimes you may have to make a
long drive but would be worth it to have the much needed surgery.
Please check around to find a capable ferret vet that can do the surgery
for the lowest money.  Then, if you would, find out if they can make up
an account for Kodi.  I will send some money into that account towards
his upcoming surgery.  I am sure there are others out there that feel the
same way I do.
It is obvious that you LOVE your ferrets.  This same thing could happen
to anyone of us.  If my husband lost his job and one of our much loved
ferrets got sick..
Best wishes to you and Kodi!
[Posted in FML issue 4034]