I, and I'm sure others, understand your predicament.  It's not easy
trying to find extra money on a limited income.  Who amongst us has
truthfully thought, "hey, I better not get this pet because there might
come a time when I'll be faced with huge vet bills that I can't afford".
I would guess that a great many pet owners think with their hearts and
not their heads when they see that cute little face pleading with them
to take her/him home.
You have said that you can manage the odd $100, and I'm pretty sure this
has been mentioned before, but couldn't you come to some arrangement with
your vet about making regular payments to cover costs?  (I'm assuming
that pet insurance is out of your reach also.)
I am also aware of the embarrassment that is caused by having to admit
that you are financially strapped, so let me congratulate you for having
the courage to be honest and open about your situation.  I am sure there
would be many who, faced with your predicament, would have kept quiet
about the whole thing.
[Posted in FML issue 4034]