Hi all!  I now have a question!  Yes, I said a question!  Not a funny
short story.  That comes later.  Mr. Artemus, our albino boy has a
problem with ear wax.  I clean his ears out, at least one time every
two weeks.  However, whenever I do - he has filthy gunk coming out.  It
isn't like an infection gunk, just a lot of dirty wax.
I am concerned about ear mites - but my guys don't go outside - and I
don't know how he would have gotten them.  Also - he doesn't scratch
them, doesn't do the "head shake" like a fert does when they DO have ear
mites.  He just seems to have an inordinate amount of wax build up.
Does anyone else deal with this?  If so - how do you keep their ears
clean?  When I clean them out - I usually use olive oil, on the end of a
Q-tip.  Works great on getting the gunk out!  I just want to know is this
usual?  My other two babies don't have NEAR the amount of crud he
does......any advice kiddo's?  Let me know and thanks!
Kim and Her Army of Idiots.
[Posted in FML issue 4032]