Hi everyone,
I've been reading some of the recent posts on adrenal, and I have a few
questions.  This past summer my Lola (now about 4 years old) got a
swollen vulva.  The vet (I was living elsewhere so it wasn't my regular
one) said it was most likely adrenal, but just to watch her.  The
swelling has for the most part gone away, but her coat is getting quite
thin, especially across her shoulders and on the upper part of her
belly.  I probably already know the answer to this, but are there any
adrenal-mimicking diseases that can cause both hair loss and a swollen
vulva?  Her coat has never been the greatest anyway, it's been fairly
coarse ever since I got her three years ago.
Also, are there any alternatives to surgery if Lola does have adrenal?
Other than the cost, I've heard it can be pretty stressful.  What gets
me is that Lola doesn't *act* sick at all; she loves to play, has a good
appetite, and has no qualms about dashing across my head in the middle
of the night!  Her newest game is stealing Max the cat's toys and hiding
them where no one but ferrets can reach them.  She goes to the vet
tomorrow for a routine check-up and shots, but I'll ask my regular vet
what she thinks.
Rachel and the monsters
"Go ahead, call the cops
You don't meet nice girls in coffee shops"
-- Tom Waits
[Posted in FML issue 4031]