Hey everyone, Hope all the fuzzies are good and well.
I talked to Judy over the past few days, and she talked to the sos board,
and they all ok'd for me to do this, so here goes:
Have any of you ever watched TLC and seen the shows Trading Spaces, and
While you were out?  Basically they remodel a room in the house...I love
watching those shows, and it sparked an idea that I've been thinking
about for the past week.  (input is greatly appreciated!!)   How would
you like to have one of your fuzzie's cages completely remodeled with
matching bedding, and whatnot?  Of course there's gotta be a benefit too
right?that's where S.O.S. comes in.
Tickets will be $5 a piece...and $20 will get you 5 tickets....
By the deadline, a winner would be picked, and I will personally sew that
person a complete cage full of bedding to "remodel" the cage complete
with cubes, hammies, tunnels, the works, and you can let me know what
they prefer!  All the money sent in for tickets will be counted and
sent to S.O.S. directly., and the bedding (and other items yet to be
accounted for)will be sewn and sent to the winner whom will be asked
their preference on color, type of lining, etc.
The winner will also be asked to send me a picture of their cage, and
what size preference they would like for the bedding, or any special
requests...no limits to the amount of bedding, as long as it can fit in
the cage "comfortably"....which means if you've got a really big cage,
this is a chance to get more than $150 worth of goodies for it :)
If you would like to send the money directly to S.O.S.  Via paypal,
PLEASE send me a copy of the receipt so I can account you for your
tickets.  Their paypal addy is [log in to unmask]
please let me know if you would like to snail-mail your ticket money and
I will be more than happy to provide you with an address.
Oh, and please remember, that snow has fallen, and your fuzzies need
something new and warm to snuggle up to :)
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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[Posted in FML issue 4030]