I often write of more serious topics and questions, so I thought I would
write about the little ferret questions that are more everyday; yes, the
little ferrets as well as the questions are knawing at me.  LOL.
1. I have discovered my six ferts can be catagorized in having two
different reactions to the kitten (Now cat) that grew up with them: 2
of them ignore her and 4 believe she is the best cheweasel ever!  This
presents a problem... I would like them to "all get along".  Two of the
4 that do not care for her presence were raised with her from kits, but
that didn't desensitize them enough not to find pearcing her ears a fun
game.  She plays gently with them, and never reacts violently when they
get violent; she just grawls and searches for a safe place to go lay
down again.  Any suggestions?
2. Having six ferrets, I realize the odds are not with me to have them
all pass at a ripe old age, free of illness.  O'kay, so this isn't an
everyday question... If I know one is ill and will probably not make
it, should I seperate it from the others, or should I leave it with the
others until it crosses the bridge?  My concern is for the ill and the
well; I want the ill to be comforted in his/her last days by his/her
playmates, but I am also concerned for the psychological strain it would
put on the others to "watch" his/her fur sibling die.  Has anyone made
this choice?  What happened?
3. Lance (for the most part) is ignoring Nikita now.  When he does get
rough with her, I just take her from his line of vision and all is well
for another five to ten minutes (Trust me, it's an improvement!).  Is
there anything I can do to help them bond?  Would walking them outside
together be a good idea to help?
4. Nikita is such a praise-oriented ferret, and she is so wonderful on a
leash.  I want to teach her more; are there any tricks she could learn?
I already attempted shoulder training her, but she hates being up high if
she is not cuddled up to a human (Protection issue).
Dooks to All!!!
Lori and Rat's Brats
(Lance, Loki, Merlin, Nikita, Pirate, & Smokey)
[Posted in FML issue 4030]