>We have a female who is 6 1/2 years old in the early stages of adrenal
>disease.  Her first signs was hair loss and now the hair loss is getting
>worse.  She is warm to the touch.  The other day her trips to 3 litter
>pans spanned 3 times over.
>How long might it be before she becomes lagrigit (sp)?  How long before
>her qualitity life might no longer exist?
I privately sent you a post I just sent answering another's questions.
I have no idea what you mean by "lagrigit".
If she is getting secondary urinary tract infections those need to be
treated and she even more needs the bad adrenal out.
The standard practise for adrenal neoplasia is to remove it.  If there
are other serious health reasons to avoid surgery then Lupron, Melatonin,
or Lupron and Melatonin are used.  Go to http://www.ferretcongress.org
and link to assorted vet-written items on this as well as going to the
Ferret Health List (FHL) and FHL Archives.
6 and 1/2 is like a human being 65; not a reason to not do surgery.
Kat, if she isn't eating and her poop is thin do think of a blockage as a
possibility and call the vet to arrange for getting her in today (Wed.)
if in any way possible.  A phone call made now will help the vet assess
how rapidly jumping is needed.  A full blockage becomes very dangerous
very rapidly.  Better safe than sorry if the vet finds in the phone call
that the symptoms at the time of call deserve an emergency visit.
[Posted in FML issue 4029]