Rascal's sister is suddenly not doing well...
i fear a blockage...i can feel something hard in her tummy... tommy says
he thinks it is just scar tissue from having her spleen out... she goes
to the vet thurs with the others if she is not better...
she no longer goes into her bedroom and her cage and her buddies to
sleep... she stays out here in the living room...and sleeps in the
travel carrier...and i don't think she is eating either...
her poop yesterday morning was thin...i gave her some petromalt in some
gravy...she ate ALL the gravy [1 cube]...then for the rest of the day
she had liquid poops...liquid, squirty, smelly poops...sorry for the
graphics...but i do not know if that means anything...
it seemed she did not eat any kibble all day this morning i
put some of her kibble ON the door of the carrier...just in case she
wanted to eat, she would not have to go far...i will also be giving her
Rascal has been gone for 3 1/2 weeks...could it take this long for her to
become depressed over it?...they have been life long buddies...i got her
one week after i got Rascal...she is 6 1/2 years old...
thanks for any info/input you may be able to give me...
KITY=^..^=KAT and the Kollektive [17]
In Memory of...White Russian...who lost his fight with ADV on May 8, 2002
Missing pieces of my heart... Rascal, Marcel, LittleWhiteGirl, Narmy,
OldGuy, D'weezle, Pye, Sandi, Jack, and the biggest pieces of my
heart...Sonny, Charlie and Geezer!  ...Keeping in memory...Dweezil, Opie,
Tunees, Lil Bear, and Bo...
My Afghan Page...
[Posted in FML issue 4028]