Anybody else ever encounter trouble with their jobs and having ferrets?
My little guy was diagnosed yesterday with the flu which he got from me
and needs some very supportive care right now so I am in the middle of
possible trouble because I brought him to work with me.  It was either
that or not come to work.
He is in the back room where he's not bothering anyone and I am in no way
ignoring my responsibilities.  I also had to call in sick in order to
take him to the vet.  Of course there wouldn't have been a problem had
this been a human child in need of medical attention.  We don't have
children except for the fuzzies.
Also, why is it that people make such rude comments when discovering that
you either have a ferret or how many you have?  Wouldn't they consider
that rude treatment if you commented about their human children in such
a way?  re----"Don't they stink", "Yuck", etc.
Angie George
[Posted in FML issue 4028]