I got a really good laugh today when I plugged in my purple lava lamp
that I got for christmas.  It took a while to warm up, and when the
bubbles started floating around, Kokie was at my feet, so I picked him up
and said "Hey buddy, check this out...groovy huh!" He kinda sniffed it,
and cackled at it...like he coughed, but more like a hack he does when he
gets really riled up.  So I set him on the ground and he danced away ;)
On the subject of mice...please dont read this part if you are sensitive
toward mice....
All five of mine share a mouse once in a while, and Kokie's first time
seeing a mouse, he lunged straight for it, bit it's neck and the mouse
was killed instantly.  He wasn't sure what to do with it right away, but
rosie went up to it and started snacking on it, and he got the hint.  I
believe that most (maybe not a large majority) of fuzzies instinctively
kill rodents and rabbits (correct me if i'm wrong) and that they were/are
bred for this in Europe?  Is it called ferreting?  I'm not really sure
(but would love to be corrected) I think that since those fuzzies that
are used for "ferreting" are not handled as much?  Maybe since our
kiddo's have been hand reared, and had human interaction, they're not as
aggressive toward humans and other species?  Just something that triggers
them to go after that rodent once in a while?  like cats going after mice
maybe?  just my thoughts and opinions (and only that)
OK You can stop scrolling now if you skipped over that middle part!!!
I recieved quite a surprise from my basketball coach today.  A message on
the answering machine, and he said he had something for me and to stop by
the school when I got a chance to pick it up.  I went by, and he handed
me this HUGE!!  5'X8' Team picture that was posted on the gym wall last
year.  He told me that he picks a senior each year and gives it to them
(this was last year fyi) I of course was stunned, and the picture wasn't
cheap either...I said "goodie wall paper!!!" (joking of course) and
thanked him, watched the team practice a little and went home....brought
the massive roll into my room and the ferrets just HAD to check it out,
so they were running through the tube of the picture and playing in it
for a little while, and they helped me post it up ;) of course they're a
little upset I took their tunnel away lol!
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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~*`~*`FERRETS RULE~`*~`*
[Posted in FML issue 4027]