>From:    Nancy Farlow <[log in to unmask]>
>This is the point that bears repeating!  Forgo vaccinations to avoid the
>risk of a reaction and you raise the risk of something much worse!
##If a reaction was the only thing you were risking I would agree.
Unfortunately a reaction is the least of what could happen to the health
of the animal.  Autoimmune problems, skin problems, cancers, digestive
disorders, joint problems, behavior changes, etc etc have all been linked
to vaccines.  Just because your pet doesn't have a reaction at the time
of the shot, doesn't mean it escaped from harm.  And no, I am not stating
that people should not vaccinate.  But I do feel especially in light of
studies on other animals that prove annuals are not necessary and can be
in fact harmful that this is an issue that should be looked into further.
Their is and has been no scientific evidence that supports annual
vaccinations, that was just how long the mfg tested and works good with
getting people to bring their pets in yearly for a checkup.  One year
duration of immunity that the vaccine label states should not be
misconstrued or interpreted that an animal is not protected after that
period, because that is not what it means.  Some people think of ferrets
as "the animal with all the health problems" I think between a processed
diet and overvaccinating we are actually contributing to the health
problems we see so often in ferrets.
I may be in the minority, but based on the research I have done, and the
evidence and lack of evidence I have found I have chosen to not do
annuals with my ferrets.  They have had at least 3 annuals and I feel
comfortable discontinuing them.  I haven't decided at what interval, if
any, I will vaccinate them again.  This is my choice, and before anyone
decides to flame me, remember I have science on my side, you don't.  <g>
Unless someone does have any scientific evidence to back up annuals, then
I would love to see it.  I have searched and asked many vets, with no
luck.  Seems that something that has been the protocol for so long should
have plenty to back it up.
Best of health to all your fuzzies,
[Posted in FML issue 4027]