My deepest regards to the woman in Bristol, Ct. looking for her ferret .
I know how she feels.
I am still looking for Odin, my heart is still broken, and the glue
holding my heart together , is beginning to fail.  I placed a photo ad
in the local paper today, asking if anyone had seen this face, received
one phone call, but no Odin, i get so hopeful everytime that number
rings, that i am using to receive calls regarding my search for Odin.
When there is any information, but no Odin is possession, it breaks my
heart.  As i had promised Eppers when he was missing, that i would not
stop, till i drew my last breath, so be it the same for my Odin.
It becomes harder and harder for me, to even want to read the fml,
anymore, reading about all the ferret looking for homes for various
reasons, but most of all, realistically, the majority of them, because
they are unwanted?  It is easier to separate oneself, from an animal,
using various excuses, besides the real ones, like, don't want the
responsibility?  Sadly, we humans are the most selfish animals on the
face of this earth.  I am sure, that many if not all of us at one time
in our lives has had to deal with rejection?  .  Reflect on how it made
you feel, unwanted, by someone you had sincerely hoped to be a friend,
with or a mate to, or in the company of, working for?  Some of even by
our own family.  Why then do we choose, to project such a painful
experience onto someone who is oft so loyal, as a ferret?  Loyal, you
ask?  Well, i would say so, i have lost at least two ferrets to this,
"shelter shock".  Is it shelter shock, or are we being polite, lets face
it, they go to shelters because they are unwanted, i make reference to
ferrets here, because this is a ferret list, period.  Why do we always
try to make excuse, for our actions?  I lost my ferret, Odin, and i beat
myself up for it daily.  It doesn't make the heartache go away, and it
doesn't make him magically appear at the door, but I AM ONE who is
LOOKING FOR ONE , ferret, and cannot find HIM, and there are so many out
there, that have a home, and it seems they are not wanted !  Why, can i
not find, just one ferret, one that i WANT, with all my heart, only to
read of all the ferrets, that are so UNWANTED, by countless others.
Ferrets are not objects, to be bought and sold, like possessions, but it
appears that there are many who view animals as such.  Possessions, not
breathing, loving, caring, individual personalities.  My ferrets are my
family, my husband accepts them as family, he has learned all about
ferret love, as he is possibly on the verge of losing one who taught him
all about it?  How can some of you, be so selfish as to give UP, your
beloved animals, for selfish reasons, that you call "love", i thought,
love meant loving everything, including the excess baggage, that came
along?  What if, what if we said, we were told, our children were not
wanted?  Would you, become another Susan Smith?  What sacrifice would you
subject your children to for the sake of a relationship?  My husband is
my daughters, stepfather, if he would not have accepted her, AS his own,
there would have been NO MARRIAGE, PERIOD.  I would have figured out a
way to survive, on my own, with my daughter, till she was grown, and
independent of her mother.  My husband is a grown man, and can care for
himself, animals are our dependents as well as fleshly children.  When
you enter a pet store, i hope you do your research, thouroughly!  a lot
of self examination is much needed here, a reality check at the door,
maybe?  Selfish, selfish, selfish, but i see it all the time in our
For the LOVE OF ONE FERRET, Odin, i w/make many sacrifices, to find.
What will you give up for the love of an animal?  I have invested a lot
of TIME, AND FUNDS, into this search, and i do not regret any of it.  As
i said before, i did it for Epimetheus aka Eppy, as i will do for Odin.
Until i draw my last breath, and seek him at the Rainbow Bridge, if
One broken hearted ferret/cat/dog mommy, missing Odin (ferret) , in
[Posted in FML issue 4026]