I friend of mine that knows my love for these little kritters, sent me a
copy of a e-news that her boyfriend gets.  (Aheadofnews.com)
Dated Jan 8th 2003
A man in the Portland area is expanding his busness of renting ferrets to
salt lake, Seattle, and Boise... I don't know if I can put his name so I
wouldn't but if you want it just drop me a line..or check the address
my question is who is looking after the welfare of these poor ferrets?..
as a foster mom and being around a shelter I've seen what a kid goes thru
after being with a family for a while then turned in to the shelter...
I've nuirsed and lost a few along the way that didn't bounce back.  West
coasters why didn't you see this and do any of us want to see this in our
city?  I know I don't want one here its bad enough we have the pet stores
to deal with.  It sounded kind of cool at first give people a chance to
know our kids but after a one hour parenting class and 30.00 you can take
you ferret home for a month... and all of us know that one hour is NOT
enough time to explain ferretize to anyone...
I guess I'll get off my box now just needed to get this off my
chest...and see what others think of this
DEB the Watcher of fuzzy little feet
[Moderator's note: Aheadofnews.com is a joke site -- has lots of silly
stuff like that article on there.  I'm happy to say it's a joke.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4024]