Hello fuzzy friends,
It's been nearly a year since I said good-bye to my first ferret, Ziggy.
As I recall events from last year at this time, I've been a little
sentimental (okay, maybe a lot).  I've been giving the kids more hugs and
kisses than usual and telling them how very much they mean to me (do they
know, I wonder?).  Well, it seems my little girl, Baby, about five years
old, has taken to looking after me.  For the past few days, she's been
following me everywhere I go.  At first I thought she just wanted my
socks, as I happened to be wearing one of her favorite pair.  But even
after I gave them to her (what can I say, I'm a push over) and in the
days following, she has continued to be right at my feet.  I'm convinced
that she knows what I'm thinking about and may even be remembering, too.
(She was Ziggy's cage mate for two years.)  Regardless, I feel comforted
everytime I look down and see her little face looking up at me.
Give your little ones hugs and kisses, you never know what tomorrow may
bring.  And my deepest condolences to those with fuzzbutts at the Rainbow
Fuzzy hugs,
www.UltimateHideyHole.com -- You won't find that lost sock, but you will
find the best ferret resources on the web.
[Posted in FML issue 4023]