>I also got a digi camera for christmas and i can say that only one of
>two out of every 100 are worth posting.
>I have found the best way to keep them still is with some food in a dish,
>others have surgested ferret vite, but mine take one sniff it and then
>run like hell so that was money down the drain.
I found that taking pictures of the ferrets just after they have woken up
is pretty easy.  They are slower moving for a few minutes and you might
get some reasonable poses in.
I also found the best pictures I took were when I got down to ferret
level rather than standing above them.  This might mean getting down on
your belly or setting your ferrets on the bed (or something else
elevated) so you can crouch or sit and take some snaps of them.
Another tip might be a squeeky toy or something that makes a sound that
they don't normally hear.  You'll catch your ferret's attention and they
will stop and look to the noise.  Be quick and take the picture.  You
won't have long to take it.  If someone else can work the noise maker
while you operate the camera it will work best.
I hope this gives you some ideas to work with! :)
-kim and rosie, the white winter weasel
Kimberly Burkard |             _    Everything I needed to know in life,
                 |      _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
                 | ____/     \___/  Frolic and dance for joy often, have
                 |<____/\_---\_\    no fear or worries, and enjoy life.
[Posted in FML issue 4022]