Hello All :o)
Sincere condolences to all whom have lost their precious little ones, and
massive get well soon wishes to all fuzzies that are ill.
Right before the holidays, I had started to gather information to put
together a Web Affiliate list for web sties that are part of the program
the Ferret Store has.  It was a well received idea, but with bad timing
on my part because of the holidays.  I did not receive very many
responses, and I wanted to follow through with sites that I knew to be
affiliated and had not contacted me to get permission from them before I
added them to the list.  But I myself found I was a little short on time
over the last couple weeks.  And I did not want to just throw something
together so I put it on hold until now.  Sorry about the delay
So if your shelter or organization Web page has a Ferret Store Banner or
Link and you would like to be the list that is being put together so when
someone is going to place an order with the Ferret Store, they can do so
through your link and you can receive the benefits.  Please send me an
email with the link for your web site.
If you had already sent me the information, you should have received a
confirmation email reply.  If you did not receive a confirmation email
for me, I ask that you please re-send your information.  I do not want to
miss anyone that may have contacted me, so please make sure when you send
your information that you received a reply back :o)
In reference to the X-mas card exchange.  I wanted to say thank-you to
everyone for all the wonderful cards and little gifts that the monsters
and I received.  It was great fun and I found out that I had a person on
my list that lived with in 5 miles of meb &.  Itb s a small world
sometime :o)
And in speaking about a small worldb &.  I want to also say thank you to
everyone that posted about the International Meet Up web site.  This is
a Great Idea for meeting people in your area with the same love for the
little critters as you have :-)
Of course I am still the only one that is signed up in my city areab &
but I am hoping that will change and there are people who want to meet
up.  So if you have not check it outb &.  please do so to see if there is
anyone around you looking to hook up the link is http://ferret.meetup.com
Have A Wonderful Day
Take care
Cuddle your fuzzies :o)
Brenda and the monsters
Fric, Tic, Tac, Toe, DaWeasel and my ferret angel Frac :-)
[Posted in FML issue 4022]