My ferrets receive ferretone about every other day, about a tsp to tsp
and half.  Laxative/hairball remedy about every two weeks, not even half
a inch.  They both have about 4 yogie treats a day, sometimes 5.  Shaking
container brings them out of hiding.  sometimes gets two at one sitting.
My female will go through a n-bone in one sitting.  Usually used to cut
nails but daddy spoils her.  And finally some raisins once in awhile
along with ferret fruit cake once in awhile.
In fact, not to place blame but I think he is over doing it with treats!!
I tell him he is giving them too much but he says no they are fine.
It is getting to point I can not open refridge without her standing right
there.  That is where we keep them.  She is such a little beggar!  She
always knows when we sit down with a snack of our own.  She comes running
to see what we have good to eat.  And please by no means should we leave
a drink around.  She has tasted every sort of drink including beer!!  and
she liked it!!
Also, right now they eat 8 in one ferret food.  I did buy iams but
husband heard it crystallizes their urine????  Has anyone heard of that?
They both eat their normal food so I know they are getting what they need
from that but I am concerned about long term effects.
Please do not think we are bad parents but how can you look at a ferret
and deny them their treats???????
I will appreciate any comments good or bad. But please be nice about it.
Thank you :0)
[Posted in FML issue 4021]