First, let me just say that anyone who hasn't seen or experienced the
wonderful handmade items from is MISSING out!!!
I just recently ordered my first items from Fran, and she shipped them
promptly, added some nice extra goodies and of course, all the things
she makes are done with lots of ferret love!
I just wanted to brag about her stuff and hope some new people will
check out her items.  She even donates some money from each sale to ADV
research... I'd rather support someone like that than a place only in it
for the profit.
THANKS FRAN...for the AWESOME ferret goodie...they LOVE their new hammies
and play things.
SECOND...NOW I understand why it seems so many people on the ferret lists
have crashed computers.  I totally get it...I think it's that FLO thing.
They want us to spend more time with them, than on these things.  The
other night one of my precious girls climbed up onto my desk and knocked
over an empty, or so I thought, glass.
I plucked her off the computer, and put the glass in the kitchen.  About
1/2 hour later I walk by my computer and the screen looks like a strobe
light.. a $2500.00 strobe light.  UGH...I looked on the keyboard and
there was water all over's a laptop, so forget just replacing the
keyboard..I WISH.  Well, as much as I tried I couldn't rescue it, it's
fried.  I have to get a new's a Sony Vaio... Japanese
parts DO NOT come cheap.  LOL...oh well..I learned...and I went out and
bought a now I can just get a new keyboard, if need be....
those little rascals...I think they know EXACTLY what they're doing.  I
think I saw them in a huddle just before the "accident"...I can just
Minky - "Ok, I'll distract her by faking a poo in the corner..
Ralphie - "I'll distract her by just being cute...and doing my silly war
Pandora - "GREAT...I'll climb the chair, hop on the desk and ruin that
bright thingy that mommie's always banging her fingers on..instead of
playing with us!
Everyone have a great day!
[Posted in FML issue 4019]