Hi all
Back to work.  I guess a bunch just wanted to see da holidays.
A little girl named Alix came in today.  She waz met by Socks, Kit, Suzy,
Gandalf, Nibbles, Bailey, Chili, Jill and Nelly.  I made sure everyone
knew everyone and introduced them.  They got along real well together.
They had a very long gossip session where everyone got caught up on all
da news and gossip at home.  They had to explore and see all da sights
and attractions.  Then it waz off to da Fields to roll da grass and
generally having a good time.  A very intense game of chase and tag got
started.  There waz a lot of tagging and chasing and I think more than
one waz it at a time but I am not sure.  They got all tired out though
and had to all amble over to Hammock Haven where they picked out a large
hammock and laid down for a nap.  She said to send her luv and lots of
hugs an kisses.
A little girl came in named Grandma Jo.  She waz met by Bear Ryan and
Bandit Rose.  They were all glad to see each other.  They were clamoring
for all da news and gossip at home.  They talked and talked for some
time.  Then it waz off to explore and see all da sights and attractions.
I later saw them over at Tube Park where they were playing in da practice
tubes going though and chasing each other.  They all took turns being da
chaser and da chasee.  They seemed to have a real good time with it
though.  They even got in a little practice for da tube races as a
threesome.  They were not real good at passing off but they will get
better.  They said they are going to practice a lot.  She said to send
lots of luv and kisses and cuddles to her mommy.
A little girl came in later named Zoomie.  She waz a little confused
about where she waz so I explained.  She said it must have been da dog.
I said don't worry as I have da dogs trained here.  I gave her da tour
of da place and showed her all da sights and attractions.  She said she
wanted to try out her new wings so I assigned an instructor.  She waz
soon off soaring away and doing all da stuff in da air.  She waz pretty
good at it to.  Then it came time to land and she didn't do to bad.  She
didn't have near da bruises dat some have after their first attempt.  She
is a natural and will be soloing real soon.  She said to send luv and
lots of kisses to her mommy and daddy.
I am off to da Tube Races.  I got to show some of these young teams how
it is done.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 4019]