Unfortunately the dreaded call came in Sunday morning at 2:44 am.
Hannibal had just crossed the bridge.
Hannibal was a black eyed white that I received as a kit.  Although while
we had every intention of picking our ferret of the litter that Hannibal
was in, Hannibal ended up picking us.  While his brothers and sisters
clamored for our attention, Hannibal took it upon himself to explore the
boundaries of the room and ignore us.  After several hours of not finding
the ferret we really wanted, Hannibal made the choice for us and climbed
into our carrier and went fast to sleep.  He picked us.  Hannibal is
named after a famous explorer who went over some mountains with
elephants, not because of Hannibal Lechter from Silence of the Lambs.
In fact, you couldn't make Hannibal bite you if you tried.  He learned
very early on as a kit to gently put his teeth on you, but to never break
Hannibal always looked like a mini polar bear during the winter, and
walked like one too.  Hannibals favorite game was being tickled under his
arm pits.  We discovered when he was a kit he was very ticklish under his
arm pits and would fall over almost weak at the knees.  But he always
came back for more and thought this was the coolest game!  Hannibal
usually preferred women and turned on that cute look whenever my women
friends visited.  I always said Hannibal was one of the few ferrets I
knew that was so smart, that he could play dumb.  Whenever he was in
trouble and we would yell "Hannibal (or Bo-Bo as his nickname), what did
you do?".  He would cock his hide slightly sidewise with that "HUH" look.
Hannibal was very close to his sister Half Pint, who remains the last
ferret in our household.  Many a nights we would find the two of them
cuddled up, with Hannibals paw gently wrapped around Half Pint.
Hannibal's favorite treat was chicken.  Whenever we were cooking, we
always knew when dinner was ready.  Hannibal would be standing in the
kitchen going "where is MINE?".
We'll miss our big lug!  Although he was never a cuddle bug, he was a
Sandee, I'm sure Hannibal has come across the bridge to keep Zoomie out
of trouble.  Be sure to point him to chicken stash!
[Posted in FML issue 4019]