>The little fur ball was sleeping in a corner.  I had to totally silence
>the entire house and call him over and over again.  I could hear him
>scratching around but not locate him.  After I crawled under the bed,
>(no mean feat btw, for a 180 lb old woman) and got bit on the nose by
>Brownie for invading his hidey hole.  I finally put everyone in the
>cage and just sat and listened.  He was in the closet, on a towel, just
>sitting there looking at me.  He wasn't hurt, or stuck or anything.
>(Thank God!).  He just didn't feel like coming to me I guess.
Hi Shelley ~
You did so good!!  I'm so glad he is found.  One of the things Calvin
used to do was put himself back to bed.  So the first couple of times I
lost him in the office when he first came I tore it apart.  Then I called
the troops in.  My lovely son said with such simple truth "Mom did you
check the cage?"  Nope.  I ran over and there he was!  Sometimes they are
in the simplest of places.
Warmly ~
The Conley Farm - organic herbs
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[Posted in FML issue 4014]