Hi Everyone,
While watching tv last night a commercial for Southwest Airlines came on.
It showed a guy who was pet sitting a lot of different animals.  A woman
came to the door with a ferret and the guy looked confused.  He said,
'what do you do with a weasel?'  She gives him this dumb look and says,
'uh, it's a ferret.' The camera pans the room and you see all these
domesticated pets hanging around on the guy's furniture.  Then the
announcer comes on and says, 'need to get away?'
Anyways, thought it was cute and it was nice to see ferrets shown with
other domesticated pets.
Jennifer and the Frolicking Ferreteria in Phoenix (where it's been 80*
every day): CJ, Cindy, and Petey the Pooped On, the second.
[Posted in FML issue 4044]