Hi All.  I just got caught up on my readings.  I had to delete at least
five of the digest, which left me with about 25 to read.  What is this
business about ferret transporters needed?  I don't know any details and
would really like to find out about why the ferret community was moving
ferrets practically across country.  I just read the digest of Jan.
25th.  Does Marcy still need transporters in WI?  I would e-mail her
directly but it is my understanding that she has been on the computer
too much lately.  Would someone mind telling me the whole story or tell
me where I can find the whole story as I have been gone for a month.
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Dayna & Gonzo
[Moderator's note: I think those trasnposts are taken care of, but please
watch for future requests :-)  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4044]