>My other thing, Linus's mysterious low blood sugar, we got his blood
>sugar and insulin test back, and it turns out he has low blood sugar and
>high insulin.  So somehow the pancreas is sending out too much insulin,
>even though he A) had no tumors; B) the lump of pancreas "debulked" for
>biopsy came back normal; and C) the whole rest of the darn organ looked
>normal during surgery.
How low is his blood sugar?  Were these numbers from in-house testing or
from blood sent out; the longer blood goes before testing the less sugar
there is, esp.  in ferret blood.  What symptoms was he having?
There can be microscopic insulinomae, which sometimes are widely spread
in the pancreas.  These are best found by feel and by using a surgical
microscope when large enough, but sometimes they aren't large enough.  I
suspect (I'm not a vet.) that you'll have to assume that this is going
to be an on-going problem, but suggest that you ask ferret vets.
Look for Diazoxide instead of Proglycem itself since Proglycem is hard to
find but Diazoxide is the name for the drug in general and that is widely
available.  I think maybe the patent timed out; certainly it has been
around a good long while because we used it for Fritter way back when we
had to find partially used bottles from human hospitals to get it at
first.  Ferrets vary in how well these work for them, but we've had good
success with the grouping.  Sometimes Pred is begun first and then
Diazoxide later; sometimes both are begun together, depending on the
individual situation and how the vet calls it.
>1. Something a ferret likes to chew on.
    What are Foamy Fries?
>2. In the corner.
    What is the feces of the species all in piecies in a pile?
>3. Sock, bras and underwear.
    What is ferret bed lining under the human's bed?
    Alternative answer: what are face coverings for blind meandering?
>4. The Human Foot.
    What is the signpost for pants legs up which one must go to tickle
    the backs of knees with whiskers?
>5. The Death Stare!
    What happens when anything is taken away from a ferret?
>6. The Oracle.
    Who laughs pop out her nose when she hears "Bulldinkies", sells stock
    in Depends, and has a hovering wagon powered by bean gas?
>7. "No, that's mine!"
    What is everything?
>8. Under the couch.
    What is a couch?
>9. "Because I can!"
     What is climbing 8 feet up a closet to leave a TV remote on top then
     descending by hooking front claws into a long dress and letting bum
     dangle to rip one's way safely back down?
>10. The Wall.
     What is that thing which stops lateral motion with a clunk during a
     happy dance?
[Posted in FML issue 4043]