Good Morning All,
My Thoughts and Prayers to all who have recently lost a Fuzzy or animal,
and to those Fuzzie's and Animal's who are sick and homeless.
I'm usually a lurker but post every once in a while, but I do read the
FML everyday as the info it brings to us is priceless!!!  Anyway, for
those who know me I just want to let you all know that my boy Trouble
had his adrenal surgery on Jan 3rd and has bounced back 101% :-)  My Vet,
who is the best as far as I'm concerned used the Cryosurgery on him, it
was his first time using it and he said that my Trouble was an excellent
candidate for this surgery.  The tumor was attached to the vena cava and
he had some of it attched to his liver, but the Doctor got it all and
already Trouble is sporting some new peach fuzz in alot of places :-)
I just wish his tail would hurry up and fill in as it is always soooo
cold :-(  I thought about knitting him a tail warmer, if only I knew
how to knit!!!!
My boy Joey has just gotten over a bout of ECE once again, but is back
to normal after having to hand feed him Duck Soup and force him to drink
pedialyte for dehydration.  He gets reacurrances of this about every 6
months or so.  I find that if I give him digestive enzymes it helps out
tremendously.  He is a fat boy and weighs over 4 lbs and likes to over
eat and the enzymes helps him digest his food better.
Now I have to worry about my Girl Rosy, her tail has balded a bit and I
have a feeling this might be the first signs of adrenal also.  I also
noticed that at the base of her tail kind of on her tush is thinning also
and this is what leads me to believe that it may be adrenal.  But I will
not worry about it too much yet, and I will keep an eye on her closely.
This leaves me with only Dru to talk about :-).  He is doing great but
has lots of blackheads on his tail he is white and it shows alot and he
has lost some hair on his tail because of it, so I will wash his tail
everyday in hopes of getting rid of them black heads.  Any suggestions
are welcome inregard to this problem.  Well I must go clean poopie's and
get ready for work.
Dawn and the Terrible Two's Gang, Trouble, Rosy, and Fat Boy Joey and the
new Fuzzbutt Dru :-) Still Missing my Tazy Terribly !!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 4043]