To 98% of the people on this board who have either done their research,
CAREFULLY followed the posts, & replies, have been to the sanctuary for a
visit, have sent donations, supportive emails, or have just kept an open
mind----Thank you.  To the other 2%, who would rather knock us than learn
about us--your agenda is quite transparent.
Our priority here is the ferrets--and providing them with all that they
will ever need for a wonderful life .
We have also helped with others` rescue & placement efforts, and will
continue to do so.
If you have questions or concerns, regarding ferrets & their care, NEW
questions about the sanctuary, or would like to visit us, please email!
For all other previously addressed issues, please check the archives---
Most of the questions have been answered (several times at this point!!!)
We`re cluttering up the board!!!  LOL!!!
BIG, Thank you for this wonderful, unbiased forum.  Getting back to the
fuzzies now!!!!!!
Cathy Strobach ("Zoo")
Zoo`s Ferret Sanctuary NFP
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[Posted in FML issue 4042]