Hi to everyone,
Hope every fuzzy and fuzzy owner is doing well.  I decided on a quote
not to do with solely ferrets but pets in general.  It was "If your pet
thinks you are the greatest person in the world, don't see a second
opinion".  I thought it was great and it meant a lot to me.  So that's
that.  =)
Now onto my question.  I will possibly be moving to Toronto or Guelph,
Ontario during the summer to pursue my education in Animal Biology or
Zoology at their respective Universities to further become a vet.  My
fear is that I will get there to find that there are no apartments that
allow ferrets or that I will find one but they will charge an outrageous
amount.  I am going to be living on a student's income with a little
help from my parents but that's it.  I will NEVER give up my fuzzies but
I am getting more and more nervous.  I took into account what one FMLer
said about appearances but I don't think that will win many people over
knowing student's reputations, which does NOT go for all students
either... If anyone lives in these areas in an apartment I would love
to know about them.  The apt.'s and the people actually.  ;)
Also, if anyone knows of another fert owner looking for a roomie, I
am open to that as well.  I am totally open minded so write me any
suggestions you have.  I will be SO GRATEFUL!!
Lisa, Bentley and Cinnamon
[Posted in FML issue 4041]