Hi everyone,
I just thought I'd give you all an update on how my babies are doing.
Thanks to everyone who emailed me with suggestions for cages.  I
eventually found a great little 3 level one right here in Australia!
Will wonders never cease?  We also built them a huge play pen.  Our
house isn't ferret proof yet and I didn't want them spending all their
time in a cage.
As you may know, ferrets are not as popular as pets here in Australia as
they are in the US.  We have a few clubs, but not many pet stores stock
ferret products.  SIGH!
I'm a new ferret owner and I just picked up two of the most adorable kits
you ever saw.  I have named them George and Rusty (not very imaginative,
but there is a story behind it that I won't go into now.)
They started off as very naughty ferrets (as baby ferrets are wont to do)
but now they are very good ferrets (most of the time).  I've only had
them 7 days and already they are 'potty trained' and no longer bite(most
of the time).  George did have a relapse yesterday at the park and bit my
ear (HARD) I chalk it up to high spirits.
I just thought I'd pass on the tip I got from a very ferret friendly pet
shop owner.  He suggested I put Vicks Vapour Rub on my fingers, this is
a chest rub for people with colds.  It worked a treat, one bite and the
ferrets were squirming for the water bottle to get rid of the horrible
I loooove my little fuzzies.  I get out of bed early each morning to I
can kiss their little heads and play with them before I go to work.  I
rush home every night and am greeted by their little faces poking through
the wire of the cage.  Their only problem at the moment is that they want
to be picked up so much they they take a flying leap at my hand whenever
they see it and don't always make the distance, resulting in scratches
down my hand.  It's ok, they'll learn and I show the scars off everyday
at work, boring my co-workers with ferret antics.
We enough from me.  If there are any other Australian subscribers, I'd
love to hear from you.
Erin, George and Rusty
[Posted in FML issue 4037]