>From:    Brenda Zupko <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Web Affiliated Program / Opinion on Dr.Kemmerer's Medical Video
>So, do I just pass along the information about it and how they can obtain
>the video for their practice, if they feel it can be helpful to them?  Or
>would it be ok to get it for them?
I ordered a copy to give to my vet for Xmas.  It arrived just a little
late, but he was tickled to death to get it.  Dr. K was known to him
because I had him do a consult with her before he operated on one of my
ferrets.  I knew how he would take it because he is trying pretty hard
to learn ferret treatment.
Russ, Booger, Bonnie & Clyde
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URA Redneck if you wore a 3-day growth of beard before Don Johnson.
[Posted in FML issue 4036]