>I run a small halfway house in Vermont and I have received a call from
>someone in Bennington who had taken 4 ferrets in temporarily, but has
>now been stuck with them and needs to find them a real home.  All she
>knew about them were 2 were white and 2 were silver.  If you have any
>interest in these guys, contact me at [log in to unmask] and I
>will put you in touch with the woman.  If you live anywhere in the state
>of Vermont or surrounding area, I can provide delivery of the ferrets
>from Bennington.
Hi Everyone!
I wanted to send a HUGE thank you to the wonderful FML community and let
you know that I got three responses to my plea for a home for these 4
wayward ferrets , and I am driving all over New England tomorrow to take
them to their new home!  I was incredibly worried when I got the call,
they aren't in a great situation, and my ferrets are no longer at a point
where they can deal with newcomers, so it was just incredibly great to
get responses today, all of which were quite willing to take these
homeless guys.
Thank you!
Krystal in vermont, with 3 elderly ferts
[Posted in FML issue 4036]