I would like feedback from anyone who has experience with this.
I've had ferrets through 3 apartments now, and I have never told my
landlords about them.  This has been causing me a lot of distress and
anxiety lately, as we are going to be moving again in April.  Last time
we were looking for a place, I told a potential landlord that we had
*two* (read 6) ferrets, and she seemed freaked out by the thought of
ferrets.  There are so many misconceptions about ferrets and based on the
reactions I've gotten from people thus far, I chose not to be upfront
about them, as I dont know that I would be able to find a place to live
if I were honest.  And since none of my landlords have known about them,
I cant even give potential landlords prior references.  I am tired of
lying and being paranoid that something will need to be fixed in the
house and they will discover them.
So...anyone have any thoughts on this?  I know that those in California
can probably relate to my situation, and I would love to hear from any of
you (anonymously of course).
Thanks much for your help!
~Becky and Heather and the Magnificent Seven:
Abby, Andre, Annie, Arthur, Avery, Bob and Peanut!
[Posted in FML issue 4036]