First I want to thank Betty (Blur of Fur) and Troy Lynn for wonderful
I would also like to extend the warmest that the holidays have to offer
to all of the wonderful folks of the FML... and their fuzz butts.  I feel
that you all are my extended family and actually have been there for me
when my family could not...they just don't understand weasel love...and
why I do what I do.
Helping animals though has been a part of my life since I was very, very
young however and I can't imagine doing anything else.  This year has
been an education in learning limits...that I can't save them all.  This
was a hard realization emotionally but thanks to the veteran shelter
operators on this list it was a lesson learned in enough time that I may
manage the lives that are in my charge with no one doing without.
Thank you to everyone that has participated in a raffle or sent a
donation of supplies or dollars.  Thanks so much to SOS.  You all are
nothing short of life savers.  Pat yourself on the back this holiday
season and remember these special babies at Somethin Up My Sleeve that
you saved: Tucke r and Lola.  They thank you too from the bottom of their
fuzzy little hearts.  Thank you for the emotional and moral support.
Thank you BIG for giving us the avenue to connect with the most wonderful
group of ferret folks there are...Geez this is starting to sound like a
Thanksgiving post!
As I write this, Taz is curled up comfortably in his blanket in my
lap...his spot while I'm at the computer and he says to send you all
big woozle kisses from all of the kids here.
Each of us here has a special gift that benefits all of us in some way
whether it be in the form of a donation, a shoulder to cry on, education
or enlightenment and I wish for you that this holiday season brings back
to you ten fold what you have shared with everyone here.
Fuzzy Hugs from Kim and da kids at Somethin Up My Sleeve Rescue
Ask me how you can virtually eliminate the need for veterinary dental
[Posted in FML issue 4003]