Well, I don't know that they're funny, but here are my ferrets' names:
Cora (she came from the shelter with it, and as she was two, we didn't
want to change it and mess her up)
Shannon (who had no name, as she was found in an attic in an abandoned
building before ending up at the rescue league; I want to name a kid
Shannon someday, but hubby doesn't like it enough, so I got to name a
ferret that-he loses!)
Finnegan (his name was Bubba when we got him form the shelter, but he
didn't come to it and we didn't like it for him, so Finny he is.  It's a
nice Scotch-Irish ferret name, Finnegan Campbell; goes well with Shannon
Nicodemus (our first baby!  We know he's not a rodent, but he's named
after the wise rat in "Secret of Nimh"' we think it's a GREAT name!)
Marley (Shawn thinks of Bob, I think of Jacob; it just somehow suited
him.  I also call him "Linh" sometimes-it means "gentle spirit" in
Vietnamese, and he sure is!)
At the Bridge:
Renate (it means "reborn", and anyone who knows her story knows she was)
Sparkle (a rescue who was named this by the little kids whose mom made
them give her up when she got sick and they moved away; she did have a
pretty sparkling personality, even as sick as she was w/lymphoma
Some fosters that have come through:
Albi (he's an albino, and I wanted his future parents to be able t pick a
name, so I nicknamed him)
Karl (I kept wanting to call him Oscar, though, for some reason-guess it
suited him in my mind)
-April AC
"There's nary an animal alive that can outrun a greased Scotsman."
-Groundskeeper Willy, "The Simpsons"
[Posted in FML issue 4001]