To the tons of people who gave your prayers for Gonzo, thank you all so
much.  I tried to send thank you's out to everybody and I think I sent
one to each person.  Your prayers helped.  He does not have juvenile
lymphoma.  He's is just a fatty pad big boy.  His blood work is great and
he's HEALTHY.  I am so glad I took him to the vet.  He got cut open for
nothing; however, it is nice to know for sure that they were just fat
pads.  Other good news, I am switching him to the 8 in 1 ultimate and it
has gone well so far.
Oh, yeah, I found out that he did not have lymphoma the night before
thanksgiving.  Talk about something to be thankful for.  I love life,
ferrets, and wonderful people.  [log in to unmask]
For the love of ferts,
Dayna & Gonz-man
[Posted in FML issue 3985]