I hope that everyone is ready for the holidays!
I would like to remind everyone about the Buck a Month Club (BaM).  This
club was started April 2002.  It was a simple idea that I had, and with
the help of Judith White at SOS came to life.
So, what is it?
The Buck a Month club is a monthly or yearly donation to SOS to help
ferret shelters through out the year.  SOS takes this money and sends it
to needy shelters.  They have been able to help with vet costs and other
emergency needs.  The money that you send is tax deductible and at the
end of the year you will receive the tax deductible information for your
and how does it work?
Simple....  To join you only need to send $1.00 a month, or $12.00 for
the year to
C/O Support Our Shelters
1236 Belfield Avenue
Drexel Hill, PA 19026-4211
You can even pay through PayPal [log in to unmask]
If paying through PayPal please send for the full year.  We ask this
because of the transaction fees that occur when you send through PayPal.
Sending a small amount ($1.00) could mean that BaM only will get .50
cents of it.
Right now there are 121 members in this club!  I would love to see this
membership list grow to 500 or more!
Just remember, it only takes a dollar a month to be a member.  Don't
think your little dollar will help?  It's does.  So far this year BaM
member have contributed over $2,100.  EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS.  That is the
joy behind this.  One dollar a month, or $12 a year is pretty easy for
everyone.  Of course, you can always send more.
If you would like more information you can visit
or email me at
[log in to unmask]
Thank you for your time, and have a great HOLIDAY SEASON!
Ferret Corner Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 4001]