Hello, This is "Jen in PA".  I haven't written too much lately, but since
the last time I've written we got another ferret.we decided to name her
Baby just because she's so cute and petite, esp. compared to Coonsie and
Hunny.  SHe is the fiestiest little girl ever.  No matter what I try to
get her to stop biting she won't.  She grasps on too, the first day we
got her she clamped onto my lip and wouldn't let go.  That is the last
time I'll kiss a new ferret!  Now she goes crazy, in a playful manner,
but also when she is mad or wants a treat biting hard.  She draws blood
almost everytime.  I've tried scruffing her then time out, "no bite",
forcing my finger (sideways) back farther in her mouth so she can't bite.
any other suggestions?  I looked in the archives and couldn't find much
else.  She is starting to bite Coonsie and Hunny hard, and they are so
confused and get really pissed at her.  She is just the wildest ferret
we've gotten!  She is goshdarn adorable and we love her, she's our baby,
hence her name, but we'd love to end the biting asap .  as our other two
ended the biting shortly after we tried the techniques.  Is there an
estimated amount of time that we have to just keep training her, so maybe
I will feel assured to just keep trying?
Jen in PA
[Posted in FML issue 3999]