*an after christmas scene, where all the kids are lying on the floor with
wrapping paper surrounding them*
Kokie: Phew!  I'm pooped!  I didnt think dat all dis present stuff was so
Rosie: Ohh..my tummy! Too many raisins.......
Buckie: I've stashed so many ornaments that all mommy has to do is take
the tree outside and unplug da lightey thingeys.
Noodles: MINE ALL MINE!!  DOOK!  I got so many fluffy beds to last me
Mojo: Hey noodles, why dont you share?
Noodles: Whaddya mean share?? what's that?
Mojo: you know, some of dat extra bedding could go to a needy shelter to
start off the new year.
Kokie: Only if we dont have to wrap em!
For New years, why dont we start it off on a good foot/paw.  The bedding
exchange went into hybernation for christmas, but new years is going to
be different.  For new years, a shelter will be selected, and like the
Thanksgiving exchange, all the bedding will go to that shelter.  So if
you want, get your nominations in and a shelter will be picked on Friday.
Happy Holidays!
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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[Posted in FML issue 3999]