Hi all
Business is still fairly slow which is still good.
A little girl named Miss Furbie came in today.  She waz met by Perry,
Kineman, Fang, Munchinin and Bubbles.  They were real happy to see each
other and greeted each other warmly.  They were kinda happy but their
mommy was not as she has lost quite a few in a short time.  They sat
around and talked and gossiped about home and basically caught up on
all da news.  Then it waz off to explore and see all da sights and
attractions.  They had to stop off at da Gravy Gourmet and get a bite
to eat on da way.  Then it waz over to Dirt Mountain where they had to
enlarge da den for one more.  As they have been doing dat a lot lately
it did not take long at all to add a few rooms for one more.  They made
a stop at da Sock Steal Game to stock it up with socks and make it nice
and comfy.  She said to send her luv and lots of cuddles and hugs to her
A pair came in later named Bandit and George.  They were met by Poco,
Sid, Ferri-lu, Rikki and Panda.  They were all real happy to see each
other.  They had to sit down and talk and catch up on all da news and
gossip from home.  They talked for quite some time.  Then it waz off to
explore and see all da sights and attractions.  I later saw them in da
Fields in a game of chase and tag.  Before they got invovled in dat
though they had to roll and snorkel through da grass and basically enjoy
it.  They chased each other and I am not sure at any time who waz it but
I think they all had a turn at it.  They seemed to have a ball at it
though and ran and ran.  They even stumbled on a few cheweasels while
they were out there.  Of course they had to postpone da game while they
hid those away but then were right back at it.  They said to send lots
of ferrety kisses along with their luv to their mommy.
I am off for a nap.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3998]