>From: Toadstool Studios <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: FERRETS are "hypo-allergenic"!  DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR
first...let me address the "hypo-allergenic" aspect...
"I" am allergic to ferrets with adrenal problems...very allergic...i
usually know the ferret is adrenal before the vet does...it is very
uncomfortable...and painful...to have to touch my adrenal ferrets...[it
is not the sneezing kind of allergy..it is a skin reaction]...yes..i try
to get them surgery as soon as i can...but that is not always an
wear gloves...you say?...yeah right..."hold on there...don't do that yet
till i go put my gloves on!!!"...
i choose to put up with it...live with it as best i can...try creams and
lotions to lessen the irritation...BUT THAT IS MY CHOICE...i do not have
a job to go to everyday where it makes a difference that my face and
hands and arms are all red and scaley...
others may not have that choice..and we have said so many times on theis
list...you do not know ALL the circumstances in a situation that someone
posts...there could, and probably ARE, other contributing factors to this
person needing to find a home for her/his ferret/s...[i only vaguely
remember the original post]...
please remember, everyone...it is HARD to make that decision...if this
person did not care about the ferret/s..they would just take them to the
pound or let them loose...but because they DO care...they are asking
someone from this "wonderful, compassionate, family" list to take those
babies in...'cause they know they will be safe and loved...
it seems so many times on this list that you are damned if ya do..and
damned if ya don't...
sometimes alternatives are helpful...IF put in a less than damning way...
put in a "damning" light...they hurt...add guilt where guilt may already
be overwhelming...
giving up a ferret is never the ideal choice...but sometimes it is the
best choice...
KITY=^..^=KAT and the Kollektive [18]
In Memory of...White Russian...who lost his fight with ADV on May 8, 2002
Missing pieces of my heart...Marcel, LittleWhiteGirl, Narmy, OldGuy,
D'weezle, Pye, Sandi, Jack, and the biggest pieces of my heart...Sonny,
Charlie and Geezer!  ...Keeping in memory...Dweezil, Opie, Tunees & Lil
It is that time of year again...
The A.D.V. Christmas Giving Tree... http://www.mkaresq.com/adv_giving.htm
and the Ferret Giving Tree...  http://givingtree.friendsoffuzzies.com
[Posted in FML issue 3998]