I want buisness cards with ferrets on them- I don't have a "buisness"
(cept my "buisness of ferrets!") but I want to leave them at the pet
store nearby so people who buy ferrets can get pick one up for someone to
contact about ferrets, and I want to take some to animal control/humane
society in case they get any ferrets turned in to them... If anyone can
make these for me email me!
RE: Flea problem>
I had the same problem earlier this year with a new arrival.  I had to
wage an all out war.  I tried the bio-spot, but without other steps it
wasn't effective.  What DID work was Zodiac's flea bomb.  (of course
ferrets were gone for a while to prevent respiratory problems) and used
zodiac's flea spray in the spots they haunt most just in case the bomb
missed any errant fleas, before I brought them back in I vacumed under
and arround everything, washed their bedding and then they both got baths
with a flea shampoo and only after all of that did I use the bio-spot.
Seems like a lot of effort and work, but if you plan it all out before
you begin you can get it done in a day and it is well worth it.  I
haven't seen a flea since!  YAHOO!!
[Posted in FML issue 3998]