Dear Todd-
Yesterday you wrote " Could our little snout-kids be responsible for the
current economy?  Could we get rich by diving into their hidey-holes and
finding bundles of cash???"
Well, I went to look, just in case.  I did find sixty-three cents, but I
think it fell out of the man's pocket.  There was a MAN stashed in the
ladie's favourite hiding spot between the arm of the sofa and the living
room wall.  He's not very big, but I don't understand how we didn't see
him there!
He is elderly, and sort of frail.  He wears his hair in an elaborate
comb-over.  Once I worked the duct tape off (there were many tiny
fang-holes in the tape) he told me that his name is Alan Greenspan, and
he is the Chairman of the "Federal Reserve", whatever that is.  He said
that he had been stashed by the FLO.
He is on my sofa now, drinking a good strong cup of tea and eating Danish
butter cookies.  He is pretty shaken up.
Does this have something to do with the economic problems you were
talking about?  Please advise.
Alexandra in Massachusetts
P.S. The ladies are caged until I get to the bottom of this!
[Posted in FML issue 3997]