Needless to say, I was stunned by all the beautiful notes and e-sympathy
cards I received.  Igloo was so precious--deaf as a post, but he knew
when he wasnt supposed to do something like get in the potholder drawer.
That is why my dear husband (who states he loathes ferrets) buried him in
Igloo's favorite white potholder.
We knew he was going to die, but he didnt lose his tail hair until right
before he died.  That was a terrible shock seeing this beautiful fluffy
animal with no tail hair.  All the other ferrets are real quiet since his
death, they play but not with the same energy they did.  It's as though
they are in mourning also.
Sara, my lymphosarcoma ferret, who was supposed to die over a year ago
remains alive, lossing hair, but still bouncing around.  She even climbs
to the top of the tallest cage that she can find.  She desperately wants
to play with the other ferrets, but with this disease it seems as though
her body says she is in heat.  She bugs the other ferrets until they
actually want to kill her, so no ferret friends for her.  But she does
get free run of the house, when she is out.  Except for her hairless body
and humped over back you would never know she is ill.  Poor thing has
even developed a growth over her eye.  But she eats and drinks regularly
and of course poops very regularly except sometimes she doesnt make it to
the litterpan.  Oh well.  It is truly amazing her strength and endurance
in the face of this invasive cancer.  Of course she was my first ferret
and I didnt even know what a ferret was until my daughter said you have
a ferret.
Thanks and HUGS to all that are slaves to these wonderful creations of
[Posted in FML issue 3984]