This is Misty from 4 Most Wonderful Fur Kidlets in Canada; Good Ferret
People on the FML.  I heard my Mommie talking about the Giving Tree how
there is 19 Needy Ferrets out there that don't have Secert Santa's also
as Kat pointed out that ADV Giving Tree, Johnny Angel is still without a
Secert Santa.  No address or email was there for Johnny Angel.I know that
my Mommie worked hard last month sewing hammies for 18 Ferrets on both
Giving Tree and got them in the mail before Dec 1, so the boxes, packages
would arrive in time for them.
Also want to say to Alberta Ferret Society, hope the Calargy Ferrets are
enjoying the hammies, since they are getting more ferrets before the
holidays begin.  This year has been the roughest year for Mom and Dad,
us too.  We have lost some of our brothers and sisters because of the
chemical poision that we were all (not their fault, we almost lost Dad
too) exposed too.  Our Mommie took the hardest hit, since she is the one
that everyone (Dad too) depends on to keep everything going.
I hear Mom coming to use the computer, better sign off.  Be sure to get
to the Giving Tree and make these Ferrets feel Loved from the FML Hearts!
Misty one of the 4 Most Wonderful Fur Kidlets
[Posted in FML issue 3994]