I would LOVE to introduce a very special young woman,Melissa Widmer.
Melissa had a very hard time finding closure when she lost both of her
Beloved ferrets.She searched everywhere and there was nothing.Melissa
also happens to be a very gifted artist.She did find molds for cat & dog
memorials and that is how we became acquainted.We lost our 20 yr old cat
this year & my dear friend Millie Walls found Melissa on E/Bay.She sent
me the most Beautiful personalized memorial i had ever seen.Then the
worst happened,we lost my Moms' (she has dementia) beloved dog.I found
Melissa & another was sent.Another life healed... Heidi is gone but an 88
yr old woman with dementia has a wonderful reminder;)
Still no Ferret Angel Memorials...so Melissa,the artist, went to
work..she has created the most Beautiful personalized Ferret Memorials
and Urns i have ever seen..
Melissa is a very Special Angel,as well.She has chosen to donate 15% of
her original, personalized "Ferret Angel Memorial" sales to TroyLynn.
These monies will forever help TLE's mission in life..that to help
everyone she comes across in her journey, plus help many many Vet bills
for her forever deserving children..:)
Please do yourselves a favor and go to:
and take a look..
If you would like to e/mail Melissa,her mail is [log in to unmask]
Sadly,i kept her so busy she is taking orders now for January,December
is full..
I'm sure there is no one here who has not experienced or does not know
another who has lost a Beloved Pet...these make VERY special original
gifts..you can purchase them plain or hand painted.Melissa will work with
you to obtain whatever you want..
These will do two VERY important things..help humans with closure and
help Our Very Special "TroyLynns' mission.."
With Love,
Join our Ferret Group!! Club Med Ferrets
NEW! Go shopping with CMF, proceeds go to Shelters!
[Posted in FML issue 3993]