Yes it is true, that if you wash things well, there shouldn't be any
reason to fear contamination.  It should be done for numerous reasons
irregardless to thoughts of ADV contamination.  I preach to people not
to panic about ADV all the time, but to be smart about about it.  I must
correct one statement however so that everyone is safe.
ADV can and does live on surfaces over long periods of time.  It is an
especially hardy virus unlike so many others.  There was a case where ADV
lived on cage surfaces for two years.  It could live even longer.  So
please, do realize this.  Anything used that you get should be washed...
even if just in soap and water.  Anything that can be washed in bleach
should be.  Best of all, is washing things in parvocide if possible.
This information should never.... ever hinder you from buying anything or
recieving gifts.  Ever.  This information should inspire you to get into
the habits of regular, preventative washing of what you are wearing when
you visit other ferrets, and of any items coming into your home.  You
should be doing this for prevention of distemper, ECE, parasites, and
from chemical contamination (bug sprays for example that the items were
exposed to).  It shouldn't take ADV to motivate one into taking proper
action.  But in some cases it does.
Don't overreact or panic... just be aware.  Have a happy and safe holiday
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[Posted in FML issue 3993]