Hi everyone!!
We (ferret, kitten, and I) have finally returned home.There were many sad
faces the day we left my parents.  Even the dogs seemed sad that Zama was
leaving (ya right, they were actually cheering.)  Zama hid after I had
put his harness on and was looking very depressed the day we left.  I
think he knew he was going "somewhere" he just didn't know where!
Well, we bought one of those over-the-shoulder carrying bags.  Kind of
like a little dome with a hole in the front for the animal to look out.
It was lined in furry stuff on the inside.  I figured since the kitten
had just gotten spayed 3 days before hand, it may not be in her best
interest to share a cage on the way home.  So we hooked him up in the
carrying bage and gave him his blankie and figured he wouldn't be much of
a problem since he usually sleeps in the car.  So we are driving along,
15 minutes in the drive when he starts tossing and turning an sighing and
staring at me with sad eyes.  I guess he just couldn't get comfortable
with his harness hooked to the clip in the bag.  25 minutes into the ride
he was starting to annoy me *L* so I unhooked him and wrapped him in his
blankie.  Well that made things much better.  He stretched out and slept
for the next 3 hours.  Then we stopped to get a drink and let the kitten
walk around a bit.  My boyfriend made me drive so Zama was put back in
the carrying bag.  This time he looked like he was going to go to sleep.
NOPE!!  15 minutes later he's trying to get out, tossing and turning.  He
wanted to be held again.  Well boyfriend, likes the ferret, but he isn't
one to hold him for 3 hours and somehow I don't think Zama would let him
hold him that long.  Into the box with the kitten he went!  Suprisingly
they both slept all the way to my grandmothers house.  We let them out
for a couple of hours to run around, drink and eat.  They slept all the
way home too.
Now the funny part :)
Zama hasn't been "home" since august 1st.  After we finished bringing
everything into the apartment and had it all over the place cause we
needed to have a break before putting things away... we let the ferret
and the kitten out.  The kitten has never been to the apartment and the
only home she knew was my parents.  So we were trying to prepare
ourselves for a loud whining depressed kitty.  Were we ever wrong.  She
got one look at Zama dancing around singing and practically flying
through the air and she started to do the same thing.  We were laughing
so hard.  Zama hasn't walked a step since we arrived here at 12:30am.
We put him in his cage for bed, and when we took him out this morning...
have never seen him like this ever!!  I think he missed his home!  At
my parents house he was a little angle... but here... first place to
investigate - GARBAGE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... next place...SILVER
kitten helped him.... next place...PULL TOWELS OUT IN THE WASHROOM....DIG
IN PLANTS....ROLL IN LITTER BOX... and this was all in the 1st 10 minutes
he was home.  Its like he has reverted back to being the mischeivios baby
ferret I remember him being.  Mommy's boy has disappeared.... crazy - do
not rest for half a second - every possible thing that ferrets can
do-all-at-once ZamaRZONY to take place!!!!
My kitten is used to those water bottle type water dishes and all I had
here for her was a custard dish.  So I filled it up with water.  We are
just settling in to go to sleep when we here "Meow-iiii-mew-iii-meow-iii"
(that would be her pathetic attempt at dooking) and she comes running
into the room.  I pick her up and she is SOAKING wet with water.  *LOL*
My carpet is full of water...We are going down today to get the bottle
water dish now.  Hehe
Well that is all we have to say for now!!
Sorry for the long post - I think I am almost excited as Zama is at being
home - in that he is acting like the ferret I remember.
[Posted in FML issue 3992]