> Issue number: 3987
>I had hoped that Kris's post was a one-shot deal but was followed up
>yesterday with even more blatant ignorance as well as some comments that
>are pretty rude:
>Heather W.
>Getting disgusted in Massachusetts
**If you are getting so "disgusted" then leave it alone.  Kris asked a
question, maybe it wasn't worded quite right, but please.  I know Kris,
and I know a few shelter ops, as does she and I know she would never,
ever say something to intentionally hurt someone.  Kris is not like
>Why do people take in sick, unwanted, lost, and almost sentenced-to-die
>fuzzies when they don't know where the money to support it all will come
>from?  That was the question that someone asked, wasn't it?
>The answer is simple.  FAITH.
>God blesses the shelter operators.  Unless you've walked the walk, at the
>least sent in what dollars you can afford to help, then keep please keep
>your cynical lack of faith to yourself.-Cindy
**yes, I agree.  The answer is definately FAITH  but also LOVE.  Shelter
Ops love those ferrets and I know it tears out thier hearts everytime
somefert is in need.  What they do is damn hard, and I for one never
could.  So I do what I can, as does Kris, we give whatever money or time
that we can to help.  Kris is not perfect, who of us is?, but she is a
fine woman who really does care.  And also a curious one, ignorant, NO!
If she has a question, she will ask.  Is that so wrong?  From what I
understood, the only stupid question, is the one not asked.
The reason I am jumping in on this late a date is to state Kris is not
the bad person some of you are making her out to be.  There are those who
support her, but in private because they have seen the flames here and
are afraid to speak up.  I won't comment on that but to say, keep quite
if you wish, but when you receive your holiday packages from her group,
CarpetSharksInk, remember who they came from.  Kris has organized
donations for 8 shelters, she asked of the members for shelter names.
The last shelter we needed info on is Kat's A.D.V. Giving Tree,( Kat I
need your mailing addy, they are being posted out next week, please
private post me where you would like the box sent to).  She and I talked
about this, as we both foster ferrets at some shelter, giving what ever
we can.  We could not/ would not choose just one or two ferrets we are
choosing ALL of the A.D.V.  Ferrets to receive gifts from CSI.  Please
do NOT ever say Kris does not give or help.  She does!  She and I are
sharing the cost of these donations, with a bit donated by 2-3 members of
CSI.  Can you Heather say the same?  Can you put a price on how much you
donated this year to shelters?  I can.  No, I am not a single mother, but
I am a wife and a mother to 1 teen skin and 8 fuzzy bundles of mayhem, 2
rescued dogs and 2 cats.  We don't have a lot of money, nor do we have a
lot of time.  I don't have any excuses why I don't do more, besides my
heart just can't take it.  The last shelter I went to I cried most of the
night and left in tear the next day.  They will get my money, they will
get my support.  As will all the other shelters I can afford to give to.
Kris is the same.  Please stop the flames, I don't know if they are just
coming here or if they are going to her private as well, but stop.
Someone mentioned "walking a mile in" someone else's shoes.  Maybe we
should all try this.  Flame me if you want.  I have been here for almost
2 years and in the past when I have posted, I have been helped.  Which I
appreciate, but you flames/opinions won't keep me up at night.  You know
what they say about opinions, everybody has one.
And Kim, I don't know you, I have no reason to like or dislike you.  You
operate a shelter, regardless of the other opinions out there, to me this
is admirable, and I do Thank you for that.  Damn hard work, not enough is
done to help All the Shelter Moms and Dad out there, but you ALL are
appreciated.  This is not personal, but to you are making it personal.
Not all questions are personal attacks on you.  I'll climb down off my
soap-box if you will.
Eight is Enough
[Posted in FML issue 3990]