It's not unusual to have viruses pick up people's addresses and
substitute them in to hide the actual origin, but recently it has been
crazy.  In the last 2 days there have been about 10 instances in which
my addie was substituted in -- for virus types my system can't contract
(not all alternatives being as vulnerable as typical PCs and Microsoft
software).  I don't know the server origin of one, but all of the rest
had Message IDs at AOL.  A few listed the same "apparently from" addy at
AOL, but that may or may not mean anything since some viruses substitute
in the "apparently from" addresses, too, now.  Please, run virus check
software, folks!
At 10:54 AM -0500 12/07/2002, katharine wrote:
>I don't know how you can make this statement.  How do you know who
>makes donations and who doesn't?  If >you're basing it on the number
>who post about their good deeds, that isn't very fair.   Many of us
>think giving is >a private and personal thing and no one else's
Well, pretty much I judge it on the level of donations that I know that
places have and haven't gotten compared to the number of people around,
and on the number of people who write saying things like "You do a
lot/give a lot so I think that you should also do such-and-such or give
to so-and-so." and how unhappy a number of those people are to hear back
from me, "Great idea, but right now I'm hosed for time/finances; however,
if you follow up on your idea I maybe can give you a few leads.".  If you
read my entire message you'll have noticed that I'm not upset with people
who give quietly, nor am I upset with people who are in a situation in
which they can't give at this time (Knowing fully well what that is
like...).  I do at times get upset with the people who don't give of
their time or money or both.  Heck, Katherine, you run a shelter and
you are very up front about that, so obviously, you give.
At 10:54 AM -0500 12/07/2002, katharine wrote:
>Just because all of us don't post  about it, doesn't mean it isn't
>being done.  I don't mind being >made aware of giving opportunities
>but whether I donate or not is my business alone.
That's fine, but those comments had nothing to do with folks like you who
do a lot and I thought that I made that clear -- but apparently didn't;
they were because I was a bit annoyed at the ones who expect others to do
or give everything, and strongly hoping that with the holiday spirit
maybe some would turn over a new leaf and find out just how good it feels
to help others while learning that for most of what needs to be done it
takes mostly willingness to do so rather than any special knowledge.
Of course, there is always the problem that people who DO give or do have
a tendency to always wonder, "What more can I do?" whereas a number of
people who don't give or do instead tend to think, "Why the heck should
i give to anyone to help anyone?" which pretty much means that I was
griping -- though it was with the hopes that some of the folks who have
thought of helping in some way will try it and find that it feels good
and is a worthwhile habit to form.
[Posted in FML issue 3990]